Benefits of Honey on Health

Honey is a natural energy booster. It has a power on building of immunity system of our body. It's also a natural remedy for various kinds of health disease. Honey is the source of carbohydrate and has a power to provide instant relief from muscle fatigue of athletes. It contains natural fruit sugar which prevents from fatigue during exercise. Honey is a natural antioxidant, it has also antibacterial property which ensures good digestion. If you take a teaspoonful honey, lemon juice mixed with warm water in every morning, you will get many health benefits including weight loss.
Honey doesn't contain cancer curing ingredients, but it has power to prevent carcinogenic effects. It is a natural remedy of athlete's foot, arthritis, yeast infection, swelling and pain. In wound, burns and cut, it works as antiseptic and natural healing procedure increaser. It's also a remedy which combats against hangover causes from drinking too much alcohol by increasing the speed of oxidation alcohol by liver. It's also effective in treating sore throat. That's why honey is added to many cough syrups treating sore throat. A glass of milk mixed with a teaspoonful honey can give you sound sleep without using any sleeping peel. You can use honey mask on skin because honey is as beneficial as alpha-hydroxy masks. It helps you to keep your skin glowing. Honey fights with antioxidant property against cholesterol and keep yourself free from heart disease. 

Honey also relieves from heartburn, morning sickness and colds  during pregnancy.  It is used in treating digestive system disorders such as diarrhea, stomach ulcers, gastroenteritis and indigestion. Honey with cinnamon works in baldness and hair loss. Honey is used in many moisturizing creams and lotions for it's water retaining power. Applying milk and honey mixture give you smooth and silky skin. Moreover, it prevents aging and remove wrinkles caused by aging. It is also active in treating skin damage caused by ultra violet ray.

So, use honey and have a sweet day as like as honey!


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