Prevention of Hair Loss With Home Remedies

Hair loss is a common problem and most of us don't know how to overcome this problem. In this article you can find the main causes of hair loss, process of overcoming hair loss and prevention tips. Sometimes hair loss occurs due to frequent use of chemical shampoo and other hair products containing harmful chemicals. The people who suffer from anxiety and stress also experience hair loss. But, most of the cases, hair loss is hereditary. Besides that, people who are suffering from various diseases such as hypothyroidism, sebborrheic dermatitis, iron deficiency etc. The cancer patients who are under chemotherapy also  face the hair loss problem  greatly.
Let's talk about the remedies of hair loss problem. Our body needs nutrition to maintain the body  function. Similarly hair needs essential nutrients to stay healthy. The food stuffs including vitamin (A, B,C and E) and minerals helps you to keep your hair healthy. Some home remedies and tips are here for you-
  • Hot olive oil, cinnamon powder and honey mixture is a good remedy. Apply this paste on hair, wait for 15-20 minutes. And then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Try this 3/4 times in a week.
  • Apply aloe vera gel as a conditioner. It's a good natural scalp conditioner. But, its effect on hair loss is still debatable. After shampooing apply aloe vera gel as a conditioner, message for 2/3 minutes, and then wash off with water.
  • Coconut milk also helps you to prevent hair loss. Apply coconut oil 3/4 times in a week. 
  • Avoid using hair color, dryers and curler.  These things cause high potential damage of hair. If you want to dye your hair, then take a gap of 6-8 hours to start every session.
  • Try to avoid chemical shampoo and conditioner. Return to the nature. Use herbal shampoo and conditioner to avoid hair loss due to chemical shampoo.
  • Apply henna and egg mixture to your hair. Wait for one hour. Then wash off. Try this once in a week. This will decrease your hair loss.
One thing you have to keep in mind that, losing 50-100 strands of hair in a day is not the cause to worry about. It's very normal to loss hair strands about 50-100, not severe case. So,take care of your hair by taking nutritious food stuff and following the tips of above. Sometimes hair loss occurs due to hormonal changes. If you think that your hair loss is occurring due to hormonal changes, then contact with your dermatologist. Have a happy day. 


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